The Jamboree Heights State School (JHSS) P&C Association is a group of dedicated parents who work together to support the school in educating our children.
The objectives of the association are to promote the interests of, and facilitate the development and further improvement of the school, by promoting parent participation, enouraging close cooperation between parents, students and staff and promoting positive community support.
Important Notices
Upcoming Events
Stay tuned
Want to join or learn more about the JHSS sub committees? Visit our JHSS P&C sub committee page.
Our Meetings
General P&C Meetings are held Monthly, 3rd Monday of month, P&C Meetings, 6.30 pm in the Staffroom.
Sports meetings are held at 5.15 pm in the Staffroom once per team according to the dates below.
Performing Arts meetings are held Monthly, 1st Wednesday of month, 7 pm in the Staffroom.
Chaplaincy meetings are held once a term, starting at 2pm in the MPC classroom, according to the dates below.
Sustainability meetings are held on the second or third Thursday (the Thursday before a General P&C Meeting) of every second month, 5 pm in the Staffroom.
No December Meetings for any committees.
Uniform Shop Hours
Monday & Friday 8.15am to 9.15am
Wednesday 2.30am to 3.30pm
Uniforms can be ordered online jhssuniformshopsquare.site
You can pick them up from Shop, Office or OSHC.
Tuckshop Hours
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday for 1st break only.
Cut-off: 8.30 am each morning
From 11.10 am: tuckshop will be open for over the counter snacks
Orders can be ordered online through the QKR! app.
Outside of school Hours care (OSHC)
Before School Care: 6.30 - 9am
After School Care: 3 - 6.30pm
Vacation Care: 6.30am - 6.30pm
To make a booking or enquiry
Visit our dedicated website.
Phone: 3725 5659 or 0412 066 341
Email: jhoshc@bigpond.com
Volunteer today
We ask that everyone does
Want to join the P&C or one of our JHSS sub committees?
Sign up for P&C: Summary Information Pack
Find out more about our sub committees
Current Executive Team
President - Jade Lewis
Vice President - David Gunsberg
Secretary - Cindy Berridge
Treasurer - Nattasha Mierendorf