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Our P&C is about people - people just like you - parents, caregivers and community minded people who want to help their school.  You work very closely with your school, building a stronger school community, where all children benefit.  A lot can and has been achieved through the P&C and school working together towards common goals.  To continue the great work, the P&C needs people from all walks of life and with a range of talents who are committed to delivering great outcomes for our children and school.  Everybody has a role to play and your ideas will be heard.  The more people involved, the more exciting and successful it will be!

The functions of the P&C include:-

- to foster community interest in educational manners

- bring about closer cooperation between parents of children attending the school, members of the community, staff members and students

- give advice and recommendations to the Principal about general operation and management of the school

- give financial or other resources or services for the benefit of the students

Within the P&C we have a number of sub-committees made up of parents with a particular passion for music, sports or fundraising.


Funds are raised through fundraising events, community grants and donations, and the family contribution scheme. Furthermore, we endorse the chaplaincy program and student council.



The P&C operates the Outside School Hours Care Service, tuckshop and uniform shop.  For more information, please click on the following links.


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